
順泰蜜餞食品股份有限公司創設於 1937 年。於員林設廠生產製造, 80 年來順泰致力於產品的研發製造,不僅在口味上創新開發健康訴求美味的蜜餞。除保留傳統口味外,結合現代技術,推出無防腐劑的產品。不僅提升蜜餞在休閒食品的地位,更為消費者提供健康養生的新選擇。
故事: 日據時代阿公是專門做農產 運輸配送的公司,當時因為 火車時常誤點,導致要配送 的水果常追熟,造成農民的 極大損失,阿公不忍就將其 收購,後來跟阿嬤想辦法做 成蜜餞,在火車站前開始零 賣販賣,從以前到現在已傳 承三代了,雖然是老字號, 但我們仍在口味上步不斷用 心創新開發,呈現完美的口 味,是我們最大的目標。
In 1937 Shun Tai Company was founded in Yuanlin in central Taiwan. With the passage of eighty years that followed, and the vast experiences accumulated during this long period, it has well combined the traditional process with modem technology today, and combined manpower with semi-mechanization, to make its products sanitary, delicious and attractive.
So far, we have developed and supplied 103 sorts of preserved and glanced fruits. Our R&D Department is taking charge of further research and development all the time. Just recently, we have developed a number of new varieties of preserved and glanced fruits in unique tastes. Shun Tai takes pride in having you as its content customer.